Mediumship session

Virtual session on Zoom

More than just a reading of the future, a private session with Veronique gives insights on present challenges and obstacles, what lays ahead and what lingers that’s no longer needed. Guides and loved-ones share with her messages through her clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience. Emotions, physical discomfort, impressed images and complete concepts flow effortlessly in her conversations with the other side. Given with lots of love, all communications share a common goal of leading the consultant to a better and healed life.

What will happen during this session?
Every session starts with a warm welcome from your divine team. Guides in presence will present themself and take place to talk to you. They offer their vision of the wonderful being that you are, explaining their role by your side. They highlight your good deeds, your journey and support you in present times. They show you future avenues and invite you to co-create with them, accepting their ceaseless support. 

A question period will close the session. You can ask all the questions you desire. You might want to address something that was left out by your guides or get some news from deceased loved ones that did not take part in the conversation.

Must you prepare something for the session?
You do not have to prepare anything for your rendez-vous. It is not necessary to have with you photos or objects that belonged to a departed person. You do not need to prepare questions as well. You must simply be ready to devote an entire hour to yourself, an hour just for you!

Time 1 h
Cost 120 $ + taxes

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